Data Protection Notice

1. Company Information Details

Company Name:

Biocolor Ltd.

Registered Office Address:

Biocolor Ltd, Catalyst Concourse Building 2, 20 Queens Road,Titanic Quarter, Belfast, BT3 9DT

Registered in Northern Ireland No:

NI 26915

VAT Reg. No:

GB 617 551 931

2. Information Collected

You may visit our website at any time without revealing any personally identifiable information about yourself.  The only information we collect from our website is your email address when you voluntarily submit it in our customer contact form, thus consenting to receiving an email response from us. You may access all information on our website without submitting your email address.

3. Use of Information

Your email address will only be used to provide you with marketing information, answer product queries or provide technical support.  Only email addresses provided to us through our contact form will receive this information.

4. Information Disclosure

We do not share, sell, rent or distribute email addresses to third parties unless legally required to do so.

5. Access to Information

Please email us at to gain access to information held about you or to have inaccuracies updated.  Please email us if you have any queries/complaints about how we use your email address.  All information will be provided free of charge.

6. Security

We have appropriate measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information we hold.

7. Changes to This Data Protection Notice

Future changes to our data protection notice will be posted to our site

Data Protection Notice Last Updated: July 2024